Know These 5 Facts About Ear Infection

06/09/2016 10:42

Kids are so delicate and tender that they require gentle care. It  has sometimes become very difficult to understand exactly from what they are suffering from. There are times when you are about to move out to attend parties and your child start to panic. As you come to know that your child is suffering from ear infection immediately rush to see the doctor. Most of the young kids get an ear infection during cold and flu season so here we are going to talk about the five key factors of ear infection that will help you to fight from the situation right.

Bayonne Emergency Room Hospital

Here are the fewest points:

1. An ear infection can be confused to teething: Your kid starts tugging the ear, cutting his/her teeth, have fever and becomes uncomfortable in lying down, doesn’t eat and cry more than usual its more likely to have an ear infection not teething. For immediate treatment rush to Bayonne Emergency Room Hospital.
2. Antibiotics are not always the answer: 60% of ear infection are bacterial and 40% are the cause of the virus. Doctors prescribe antibiotics to make the immune system strong and to fight off its own.

3. If your child has repeated bouts, then visit a doctor: If your child is having frequent infection and the fluid doesn’t clear, then they might develop hearing and language problem. I such cases see a doctor so that they can decide which is the best option. One  good option is to insert a tympanostomy tube that will reduce the risk of infections and improve hearing. If you are looking for well experienced physician, then Hoboken Emergency Care Physician are very efficient.
Hoboken Emergency Care Physician
4. Infection can happen even with tubes: Surgery doesn’t guarantee that the problem is solved. Many children get an occasional ear infection, especially in the cold. Use antibiotic ear drops instead because the opening in their eardrum allows the medicine to get right into the middle ear.

5. You Can Reduce Your Child's Risk: Sometimes the child gets infected living with one or two siblings or having a family history of ear infection. Protect your child from cigarette smoke, and breastfeed for at least six months, give a pacifier at naptime or bedtime.

The above given points might be helpful for you to give immediate treatment before you rush to see a doctor. For wide knowledge, visit Astra Health Health Center.